How Will A Panel Suppressor Surge Protector Help Your Business?
Power surges cause problems for businesses. If a surge or spike comes through your electrical system, then it could damage equipment and machines.
While you can install individual surge protectors, it makes more commercial sense to fit a panel suppressor surge protection system. How do these systems work and what are their benefits?
What Is a Panel Suppressor Surge Protector?
Individual surge protection devices protect equipment or machines plugged into one socket or power strip. If there is a power surge, the device will protect anything which connects to it.
A panel suppressor surge protector works across all of your business premises. This system connects directly to your building's electrical panel. It automatically protects everything that is plugged in whenever there is a surge or spike by dealing with the problem as soon as it enters your main power supply.
Why Install a Panel Suppressor Surge Protector?
A good surge protection system protects your business from power problems. Spikes and surges can't affect your machines and equipment. So, you won't have to deal with downtime and repair/replacement costs. Keep in mind that standard insurance coverage might not pay out for surge damage. While individual surge protectors can do this job, they aren't always as effective as you might think. You have to rely on them being in the right places and switched on.
Plus, individual protectors will degrade over time as they cope with power problems. Eventually, they might stop working. If you don't buy devices with monitors or alarms, then you won't necessarily know when they need replacement. You might continue to use them even though they aren't giving you any protection.
You also have to install devices for each piece of key equipment in your building. This increases your costs. Your offices might look cluttered if you use standalone power-strip protectors; extra devices and cables can also pose an extra trip risk. If you install a suppressor surge protector on your primary electrical panel, then it gives you whole-of-building protection. A good system should manage spikes and surges at the source so that they don't ever reach your equipment and machines. You won't need to buy multiple individual protectors.
A panel system also gives you alerts when it has a problem. If the system stops working or gets damaged by a significant surge or spike, then it will sound an alarm. You can move quickly to fix the problem and get your protection working again.
To find out more about protecting all your business from power problems, contact your commercial electrician. They can advise you on the best system for your needs and install it safely.