Sports Lighting Equipment And Installations
Using bright LED stadium lights will ensure that sporting team members are able to see sporting equipment and team players that are essential for gameplay and will guarantee that each spectator's vantage point is unobstructed. Explore some characteristics of a lighting system that is typically used to illuminate a stadium or field.
A Retrofit Or A New Installation
An existing light setup that doesn't utilize LED bulbs can be retrofitted to accommodate longer-lasting bulbs that have a high lumens rating. An electrician will need to inspect the lighting system that is currently installed in a stadium or on a field and may need to switch out the lighting fixtures and bulbs.
A new installation will necessitate the purchase of pre-engineered poles, LED fixtures, and bulbs. All of the steps necessary to add new lighting will require that electrical work conforms to the National Electric Code (NEC). Disconnect means should be provided at each electrical pole and overcurrent protection should be supplied. Before any light poles are installed, an electrician will map out the area where lighting will be added. The proper height and stabilizing materials must be used to add lighting. This will protect the equipment against high winds.
Beam Angle And Efficient Products
The height of a light pole will indicate how wide a beam angle needs to be. Taller light poles tend to require a smaller beam. The strength of an LED bulb will also be factored in when determining what height each bulb will be installed at. Incandescent, fluorescent, and HID lights produce UV radiation. These types of bulbs may contain chemicals that deem them unsafe for use in an arena or on a playing field.
LED lights do not pose threats to sports players and spectators. They are non-toxic. The rating of a bulb will indicate how long a bulb will last. Some lighting systems come with a dimmable feature and remote access.
A dimmable feature will allow lights to be adjusted as the night progresses. If sporting events are going to begin when it is fully light and will end when it is pitch dark, being able to adjust the dimmer will provide convenience and will minimize disruptions that are associated with poor visibility. A remote access feature will allow an end-user to control when lighting is turned on and off. This type of feature will omit instances in which lighting is accidentally left on all evening.
Talk to an electrician to learn more about sports field lighting.